Monday, October 21, 2013

This is my Design - Joni Miikkulainen

My name is Joni Miikkulainen and I'm a student in Turku University of applied sciences. At the moment I'm taking a Degree programme in Hospitality Management (Degree in hospitality management --> Bachelor of Hospitality Management).

In the beginning I really didn't know much about our company, Digita. I'm a musician my self and I tend to listen to radion every now and then but I have never really thought about its initial sources. After this project I probably know better. At least I should know.

Digita - the mission

We are the team Radioheads and the theme of our project is Radio - always and everywhere & interactivity. It sounds like some kind of religion where there is always a god and it’s everywhere. Radio seems to have no limits nowadays. Radio frequencies are invisible but still they are always and everywhere. The frequencies are interactive.

Our company, Digita, was not familiar to me. I was surprised when I found out all the strings this company is pulling in the Media world and how much power it has in Finland. Normally people are not even aware (or interested in) which company initially provides these media services they are consciously or subconsciously using. Everything goes perfectly well until there is something wrong with the visibility or audibility and the problem seems to have something to do with the broadcast or frequencies. Then people start wondering where they can call and who is responsible for all this. Who maintains this whole system?

The Network infrastructure is like a big apple here in Finland and everybody wants to have a bite of it. Digita owns the apple and it clients (media companies) need to get their hands on it in purpose of reaching their own clients and customers (home economics and other consumers). So this is mainly B to B to C business.

Digita is the one that makes it possible to us to watch TV-programs and listen to Radio (almost everywhere). Their core expertise is in the development of Network infrastructure. Here in Finland they have some kind of monopoly position in the market for providing people all those frequencies by planning, building and maintaining big broadcasting stations. They already reach 99,9 % of the population living in mainland Finland so they are not far from 100 %.
Their mission is to expand over the Finnish borders and to improve and extend those frequencies and audibility among islands. They also try to simplify their operations and actions in the purpose of creating and providing better service experiences to their customers and clients. That is, in 2013 the businesses branched off in two different companies: Digita Networks and Digita Oy. Digita Networks includes all the network, space and expertise services and Digita Oy is focused on dealing with media clients (marketing).

Multi-radios, multi-channels and multi-hops are coming in proportion as the network environments change and turn into wireless ones. In the future radio is not going to be as it was before. You can find much more information and content under the term radio when you just log yourself in: Pictures, Videos, News, Blogs, Discussions and lots of other features. And of course you can listen to your favourite music anytime you like.

Clients: Radio and TV companies. Mobil and broadband operators.
Customers: The rest of us who watch TV and listen to the Radio are the End-users.
Competitors: DNA, Anvia, Spotify


Blueprint: Provides a detailed visualization of the actions and processes, without looking at the motivational and emotional sides. Blueprint is used inside the design activities as a tool supporting the development, sharing, planning and building of the service process. It usually consists of a large timetable with many touchpoints and variables.


-          Time saving
-          Consistency / Continuity
-          Improve quality
-          Increases productivity
-          Reduce costs

Personas:  The basis of Personas is in a "One size fits all" mentality. As the marketplace shifts from a mass manufacturing to a mass customization model, customer’s needs and desires are more accurately identified through the development of personas rather than through demographic data.

Persona represents a cluster of users who exhibit similar behavioral patterns in their purchasing decisions, use of technology or products, customer service preferences, lifestyle choices, and the like. Behaviors, attitudes, and motivations are common to a "type" regardless of age, gender, education, and other typical demographics.
Personas are built by first conducting one-on-one interviews with a wide demographic of the targeted audience(s). Data is gathered from the interviews and the ultimate patterns begin to emerge after approximately 30 interviews for a typical project focused on one brand or product

The first step is to define the customer lifecycle and understand all of the corresponding touchpoints. Each touchpoint will have a corresponding key department that must understand the personas in order to provide an optimal customer experience. Getting buy-in from leadership within each department early in the persona process is the key to socializing the personas—spreading the knowledge of the company's customers throughout the organization.

Socialization: Getting all of the key stakeholders involved early in the process involves them in informing the initial understanding of the customer and, therefore, helps define the research. Informing these stakeholders of the project's progress will keep them interested, provide opportunities for feedback, ensure a higher quality persona deliverable, and generate greater buy-in throughout the organization.

Interactive radio

·         People should have better channels to influence that what happens in radio. Not just by phone but also by Internet.
·         Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, SMS and blogs - They all should somehow be connected to radio world.
·         People want to be heard the easiest way there is so that they don’t have to pay much or make huge efforts to get their voices “on-air”.
·         Radio with website is dynamic and ever-changing. Its homepage shows what the station is doing right now: Now-playing merges with favored tweets from the audience, links to interviews, photos from the studio and elsewhere, links to features and more information, and sometimes live videos.
·         This homepage widget is like a golden standard for music radio station websites. It reinforces the benefit of talent and ‘shared experience’ that you get with radio.

The most interactive radio stations and programs:

-          UX Magazine. Personas: The Foundation of a Great User Experience.
-          ServiceDesign tools. Communication methods supporting design processes
-          Digita
   Characterizing the capacity region in multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks‎

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